5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace For Today


Our daily  life doesn’t get easier.  I find they get busier.  With work, with children, with grandchildren, with everyday issues that we have no control over.   How overwhelmed, over anxious, and over done this makes me.  Till I take  5 minutes with Jesus.

5 Minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today, is a book of daily readings from Sheila Walsh.  Peace for Today, helps busy women draw closer to Jesus.  Jesus walked this earth during very troubled times but Jesus never talked about giving peace to the world, cause he knew what the world was about, even then.

Jesus spoke to the people about giving his peace, the peace the world could never give.


Sheila Walsh’s book  5 minutes with Jesus: Peace for Today shows were the true peace comes from, not from life on earth.  Jesus offers an amazing gift that changes everything: His peace. He tells us, “The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27 nlt).   Jesus gives PEACE like no one can give!  And it only takes 5 minutes with Jesus.