PBS KIDS’ Plan Toys for Whole Foods Market #Holiday #PBSKids #WholeKidsFoundation


PBS Kids Plan Toys (Green Toy – Green Company)   for Whole Foods Market encourage children to engage the world around them through play in a sustainable way.

One-hundred percent of PBS KIDS’ net proceeds from the line will support PBS KIDS educational programming, dedicated to helping all children succeed in school and in life, while Whole Foods Market will donate a percentage of total sales, up to $25,000, to Whole Kids Foundation, an organization dedicated to improving children’s nutrition and wellness.


Here is “Jumping Frog” a pull toy $19.99 and “Submarine” a two-piece toy $14.00 just two of the many Plan Toys available for the holiday season.


My grandson could not get enough of these two adorable toys.

The PBS KIDS toys, including the sustainably-made wooden PlanToys will be available in Whole Foods Market stores beginning November 15.