Voting With a Porpoise a book that entertains and educates its readers. No matter their age! It’s a story of a pod of dolphins who can’t find enough food in the reef where they have always lived and are face with an important decision: stay in their long-time home or move on to more fruitful waters.
So a vote was in order. The group needed to vote on what their future would hold. Stay or Leave! However, the leader of the group, Finn, didn’t want Petey, the porpoise, to vote. However, when Finn had a 6-pack ring wrapped around his beak, it was Petey the porpoise, who helped remove the ring around his beek. With that Finn has a change of heart and allows Petey to vote.
With Petey’s vote, the pod swims off for a new reef where they happily find plenty of food and a prosperous new life.
Voting With a Porpoise a story that will entertain children, and teach them about why elections are important. And to make every vote count you need to get out and vote…
Voting With a Porpoise is beautifully Illustrated by Daniel Howarth. Available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.