Stolen Science: Thirteen Untold Stories of Scientist and Inventors Almost Written out of History by Ella Schwartz

Stolen Science: Thirteen Untold Stories of Scientist and Inventors Almost Written out of History by Ella Schwartz is a fascinating and important compendium of stories of uncredited scientist and inventors throughout the ages. Over the centuries, women, people from underrepresented communities, and immigrants overcame prejudices and social obstacles to make remarkable discoveries in science-but they weren’t the ones to receive credit in history books. People with more power, money, and prestige were remembered as the inventor of the telephone, the scientist who decoded the structure of DNA, and the doctor who discovered the cause of yellow fever.

About author: Ella Schwartz works as a cybersecurity specialist interfacing with the U.S. Federal Government on strategic technology initiatives. She holds a Department of Defense-issued top secret clearance to support her role. Ella is also the author of Can You Crack the Code?, winner of the AAAS-Subaru Prize for Science Writing. Find out more at