What a lovely book Go Be Kind: 28 ½ Adventures Guaranteed To Make You Happier, the fifth book from best-selling author, internationally renowned as “The Kindness Guy” Leon Logothetis is from The Kindness Diaries series to his books and speeches at schools around the country, Leon teaches kids that kindness is cool. Kindness is a POWER! Lets’ be known for our kindness and grace.
Go Be Kind is filled with actionable adventures to live a more full and happy life. It’s a guided journey with kindness adventures including things like:
- Identify the kindness person in your life – give them a call today to say THANK YOU
- Kindness starts from within – write down what you love about yourself and what kindness means to you
- Compliment someone on who they are, not what they are wearing like “I love your laugh” or “you just put a smile on my face” – the smallest gesture of kindness can have a massive impact
- Cell phone roulette – go be brave, connect, scroll down your contacts and stop at random, give that person a call or text